The Joy of Hot Baths

I had a book about Steve McQueen when I was about ten years old and it had this picture in it. I’m sure it helped spark my love of baths. I can’t recall ever sharing a big one like this with a friend, a bottle of wine and a few smokes - I’m happy with a good book! My passion for cold water is well documented @captain.sunshine but I like it very hot too. A hot bath shares many of the same benefits as a sauna including lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Famous figures through the ages have been strong advocates - Napoleon didn’t sleep much but he recuperated after an hour long bath. Winston Churchill often took two a day to relax, dictate speeches, smoke cigars and splash around in his Floris bubbles. Sylvia Plath famously wrote “I am sure there are things that can’t be cured by a good bath but I can’t think of one”. I’m with Sylvia on this - for me it’s about reading, relaxing and finding some quiet time. For you perhaps you take the Steve McQueen approach - either way enjoy and don’t drop your book (or spill the wine).


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